Most of us haven’t been here for 30+ years, but we know those who have and they have never seen it like this – a virtual ghost town. As you meander the streets of our vibrant pueblo one can’t help but reflect on what keeps its tiny engine pumping – tourism.

Yet, this is a welcome break providing for the cleanest beaches and clearest waters we’ve ever witnessed. While this presents a welcome break from the masses, it also reveals a very real concern for those who depend so heavily on tourism, which is almost everyone.

Sure, some of the forgeign nationals are better capable of weathering weeks without work. Most Mexican locals simply are not.

So, we’re grateful to some of our team members like Kiki in La Cruz and Eddie here in Sayulita who have been most active in volunteering at food banks, picking up supplies and delivering them to those in need.

As the “lock-down” continues, authorities continue to heavily monitor, often restricting, the flow of residents.

However, in such crazy and stressful times, it’s refreshing to see such respect and calm evident throughout. The smiling face of locals, just keeping life real during such trying times is so enlightening.

Albeit frustrating at times when all you want to do is sneak in a surf, or, at a bare minimum, a sunset walk on the beach, only to be turned away by authorities.

This remains the reality we respect and the harsher the restrictions, hopefully the shorter period of time needed for such measures.

Regarding property, we’re keeping surprisingly busy preparing our team, and back-end systems to serve you better once the doors open up again. We’re seeing some sellers willing to lower prices. Others not wanting to budge during such uncertainty unsure of what the future has in store. And others perhaps more open to vendor financing than they otherwise would have been.

On the buyer’s side, we’re seeing a surprising amount of people intent on parking their investment dollars in something other than equities. Then, there are those always looking for a good deal. And we’ve facilitated a lot of closings for our clients by arranging suitable power of attorney to accomplish such.

In addition we’re still facilitating virtual tours via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or similar. And our agents, taking all necessary precautions, are still showing properties when capable.

While we are enjoying the downtime, trying to avoid becoming too restless, and respecting distance and regulations, we also can’t wait for things to gradually return to normal. There will unfortunately be those unable to travel for some time. However, there will be others with capacity to do so and will be rewarded with experiencing Sayulita and surrounding communities calmer, and more authentic than we’ve seen them in years. It’s going to take some time to ramp up and recover, but the livelihood of all our locals depend on it.

Meanwhile, with no shortage of time yet no ability to witness what things look like on the beaches here in Riviera Nayarit, we hope you enjoy what our close friend and local, professional photographer, Spencer Ian Harris, has captured for your interest. More of Spencer’s work can be seen at: Spencerianharris.com

Salud! In more ways than one. Salud to our collective good health and that of your loved ones. Salud to your first cerveza sunset on a tranquil beach here in the stunning Riviera Nayarit when this is all over. The Team at Pacifico Property wishes you all well…